Founded in 1992 and purchased by Guillemot Corporation in 1999, Thrustmaster has been proud to bring all of its know-how and technological expertise to the video game accessories market.
For nearly twenty years, Thrustmaster has developed solutions to fatisfy and entertain every type of gamer, by creating products for highly precise gaming experiences – such as racing wheels amd joysticks – along with fun accessories for gaming console, as well as targeting essential needs such as storage and charging.
To increase the levels of realism and immersion to legendary gaming worlds, Thrustmaster has always put an emphasis developing products and accessories which benefit from prestigious licenses.
Reflecting its core calues of “Passion, Innovation and Quality”, Thrustmaster’s goal is to allow users to enjoy a genuinely exceptional experience with its products, and make their gaming dreams a reality.

XetNET on Xetpoint Oy:n (Y-tunnus: 1778444-6) rekisteröimä aputoiminimi jonka alla tuotamme webhotelli, virtuaalipalvelin-, pilvi- ja kapasiteettipalveluita. Olemme suomalainen perheyritys joka on toiminut vuodesta 2002 alkaen. Osoituksena toimintamme luotettavuudesta- ja kotimaisuudesta olemme saaneet Suomalaisen Työn Liitolta Avainlipun käyttöoikeuden. Olemme vakavarainen ja kannattava kumppani, osoituksena tästä olemme saaneet AA-AAA-luottoluokitukset Suomen Asiakastieto Oy:ltä ja Bisnode Finland Oy:ltä.
XetNET is a registered trade name of Xetpoint Oy (Business ID: 1778444-6), under which we provideweb hosting, virtual server, cloud and capacity services. We are a Finnish family business and we have been operating since 2002. As indication of the reliability and quality of our operations and focused work, we are entitled to use the Finnish Key Flag awarded by the Finnish Work Association. We are financially sound and profitable partner, and as the proof of this, Finland Asiakastieto Oy and Bisnode Finland Oy have assigned us the AA-AAA credit ratings.

Gamers Apparel is an established UK company that has been providing esports apparel to the UK scene for many years. The company can supply to organisations of all sizes from those starting out to the more established. With jerseys, hoodies, snapbacks and more, it’s a one stop shop for all your apparel needs.